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Brenda Campbell
Protea in Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve by Megan Bedingham of The Cavern

Protea in Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve by Megan Bedingham of The Cavern

Did you know that KwaZulu-Natal has a new Nature Reserve? The Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve will soon be celebrating its first year.

In 2018, a few neighbours in the Putterill valley of the Drakensberg in KwaZulu-Natal came up with a dream of combining their properties into a joint nature reserve. That dream evolved into an idea, from which grew a plan, and finally, as of the 18th of April 2024, a reality.

Comprising 6,500 hectares, the Northern Drakensberg Nature Reserve (NDNR), of which The Cavern / Sungubala is a founding member, is KwaZulu-Natal’s newest nature reserve, and one of the most significant conservation achievements across southern Africa in recent years.

The establishment of the NDNR is a truly collaborative effort, representing the sweat and toil of various actors, ranging from small private landowners all the way to the World Wildlife Fund. It also represents a giant leap ahead in the consolidation of various tracts of the Drakensberg into a single conservation corridor, linking Sterkfontein Nature Reserve in the Free State with the uKhahlamba/Maloti Drakensberg Park in KwaZulu-Natal, the latter also being a World Heritage Site.

As we head towards the reserve’s first birthday, why not book a meeting with Brenda at The Cavern to understand more about why this is such a win for both local communities, conservation of the environment, the resident wildlife and our visitors!

The Cavern Drakensberg aerial

The Cavern Drakensberg aerial

** Read more news on the OurAfrica.Travel media page now.