Located in:

Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Get in Touch?

Claire Roadley

Josh, Jasper, Ivo and Robbie are four intrepid adventurers who are currently driving two tuk tuks from Kenya to Cape Town, raising funds for wildlife rangers across Africa and creating awareness of their plight on the frontlines of the poaching war.  So far, in the year or so they have been on the road, they have filmed stories in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana and  Zimbabwe and are about to pick up again from where they left off in Namibia. Josh has over 3.2 million likes on tiktok

They aim to be in Cape Town by May  – so if you can, please support them on their last leg of their journey – be it via a donation, following them on social media, hosting them along their journey or just cheering them on.  They are one of the nominated causes for OurAfrica.Travel this year.

Watch their video here https://youtu.be/sTZHvmPTrXY